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Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Let’s start with the smoke and
mirrors furnished by the CFR in several of their Annual Reports. Then we
provide the other-side-of-the-coin,
as observed by quite a number of independent researchers, and writers.
The CFR’s Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states:
"The Council on Foreign Relations
is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to
improving the understanding
of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of
The Council was founded in 1921
shortly after the end of World War I. Several of the American participants
the Paris Peace Conference decided
that it was time for more private American citizens to become familiar
with the increasing international
responsibilities, and obligations of the United States. This decision led
to the
creation of an organization
dedicated to the continuous study of US foreign policy for the benefit
of both its
members, and a wider audience
of interested Americans."
Now, the other side of the coin.
The New World Order, by Pat Robertson,
Copyright 1991, by Word, Inc., Dallas, Texas. All rights reserved,
page 66-67, states:
"This august body of ‘wise men’
has effectively dominated the making of foreign policy by the United States
government since before World
War II. The CFR has included virtually every key national security, and
foreign policy adviser of this
nation for the past seventy years."
Page 96: "In government policy,
the most visible expression of the Establishment is the Council on Foreign
Relations, and its publication,
Foreign Affairs. Out of some twenty-nine hundred members, at least five
hundred are very powerful, another
five hundred are from centers of influence, and the rest are influential
academia, the media, business,
and finance, the military, or government. A few are token conservatives."
Page 97: "According to a man
who had been a member for fifteen years, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, former
judge advocate general of the
navy from 1956 to 1960.
‘This purpose of promoting disarmament,
and submergence of US sovereignty, and national independence into
an all-powerful one-world government
is the only objective revealed to about 95 percent of 1,551 members
[in 1975]. There are two other
ulterior purposes the CFR influence is being used to promote; but it is
improbable that they are known
to more than 75 members, or that these purposes ever have even been
identified in writing.’
The goals of the Establishment
are somewhat strange, and we will discuss them in detail. At the central
core is
a belief in the superiority
of their own skill to form a world system in which enlightened monopolistic
can bring all of the diverse
currencies, banking systems, credit, manufacturing, and raw materials into
government-supervised whole,
policed of course by their own world army." (Could this be the army of
United Nations?)
CFR membership is made up of
present, and past Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Streetinvestors,
international bankers, foundation executives, Think Tank executives, lobbyist
lawyers, NATO,
and Pentagon military leaders,
wealthy industrialist, media owners, and executives, university presidents,
key professors, select Senators,
and Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, and wealthy
They hold regular secret meetings
including members, and very select guests. Occasionally they will hold
public meeting, and invite the
open press (including C-SPAN), in order to give the impression that they
are aharmless group engaged only in social activities.
A number of people, when hearing
about the CFR ask, "If you say that the CFR is such a secret organization,
why is it that we can get a
copy of their annual report, which contains a list of their members? Why
should I
believe you when you say that
they are a secret organization?"
Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary,
states that the definition of attribute is "To ascribe by way of cause,
inherent quality, interpretation,
authorship, or classification..." The literal translation is "You had better
tell the outsiders what we do,
or say".
The answer then comes from their
own document, the Council on Foreign Relation’s 1992 Annual Report,
where they emphatically state,
in 20 different places, and in varying terms, that members better not tell:
Page 21: "At all meetings, the
Council’s rule of non-attribution applies. This assures participants that
they may
speak openly without others
later attributing their statements to them in public media or forums, or
transmitting them to persons
who will."
Page 122: "Like the Council,
the Committees encourage candid discourse by holding their meetings on
a not-for-attribution basis".
Page 169: Article II of the by-laws
states: "It is an express condition of membership in the Council, to which
condition every member accedes
by virtue of his or her membership, that members will observe such rules,
and regulations as may be prescribed
from time to time by the Board of Directors concerning the conduct of
Council meetings or the attribution
of statements made therein, and that any disclosure, public, or other action
by a member in contravention
thereof may be regarded by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion
grounds for termination or suspension
of membership pursuant to Article I of the by-laws."
Page 174: "Full freedom of expression
is encouraged at Council meetings. Participants are assured that
they may speak openly, as it
is the tradition of the Council that others will not attribute or characterize
statements in public media or
forums or knowingly transmit them to persons who will. All participants
expected to honor that commitment."
Page 175: "It would not be in
compliance with the reformulated Rule, however, for any meeting participant
(i) to publish a speaker’s statement
in attributed form in a newspaper; (ii) to repeat it on television or radio,
on a speaker’s platform, or
in a classroom; or (iii) to go beyond a memo of limited circulation, by
the attributed statement in
a company or government agency newspaper. The language of the Rule also
out of its way to make it clear
that a meeting participant is forbidden knowingly to transmit the attributed
statement to a newspaper reporter
or other such person who is likely to publish it in a public medium. The
essence of the Rule as reformulated
is simple enough: participants in Council meetings should not pass along
an attributed statement in circumstances
where there is substantial risk that it will promptly be widely
irculated or published."
... "In order to encourage to
the fullest a free, frank, and open exchange of ideas in Council meetings,
Board of Directors has prescribed,
in addition to the Non-Attribution Rule, the following guidelines. All
participants in Council meetings
are expected to be familiar with, and adhere to these Guidelines. ..."
Page 176: "Members bringing guests
should complete a "guest notice card", and acquaint their guests with
the Council’s Non-Attribution
Rule governing what is said at meetings."
Later on page 176: "As a condition
of use, the officers of the Council shall require each user of Council
records to execute a prior written
commitment that he will not directly or indirectly attribute to any living
person any assertion of fact
or opinion based upon any Council record without first obtaining from such
person his written consent thereto."
In "A letter from the Chairman"
in the 1994 Annual Report for the CFR, Peter G. Peterson states on page
7, that:
"... Members had occasion to
meet in intensive off-the-record sessions with Secretary of State [Warren]
Christopher, National Security
Advisor [Anthony] Lake, Secretary [of State emeritus, George Pratt] Shultz,
Ambassador [Mickey] Kantor,
Under Secretary of the Treasury [Lawrence H.] Summers, the Joint Chiefs
Staff, and other ranking officials.
Next on our agenda are plans for reaching out to congressional leaders
well, an opportunity we will
fashion as one component of an enhanced Washington Program."
The CFR’s 1999 Annual Report,
page 5, states their three goals:
1. Add value by improving understanding
of world affairs and by providing new ideas for US foreign policy.
2. Transform the Council into
a truly national organization to benefit from the expertise and experience
of leaders nationwide.
3. Find and nurture the next generation of foreign policy leaders and thinkers.
These are "THEIR" words, not
mine. I am simply reporting these facts to you. If this is not a secret
organization, then why would
they be so emphatic, and state in 20 different ways that non-attribution
(or you better not tell) was
so important, in their very own annual report? In addition, if you are
proud of what
you say, and do, then you don’t
care whether it becomes public knowledge, or not. The other side of this
coin is:
if you are doing something illegal,
immoral, unethical, unpopular, and/or unconstitutional, you will do whatever
is necessary to see that it
is kept secret.
In his book, "The ANGLO-AMERICAN
ESTABLISHMENT", Dr. Carroll Quigley writes,
"One wintry afternoon in February
1891, three men were engaged in earnest conversation in London. From
that conversation were to flow
consequences of the greatest importance to the British Empire, and to the
as a whole. For these men were
organizing a secret society that was, for more than fifty years, to be
one of the
most important forces in the
formulation, and execution of British imperial and foreign policy.
The three men who were thus engaged
were already well known in England. The leader was Cecil Rhodes,
fabulously wealthy empire builder,
and the most important person in South Africa. The second was
William T. Stead, the famous,
and probably also the most sensational, journalist of the day. The third
Reginald Baliol Brett, later
known as Lord Esher, friend, and confidant of Queen Victoria, and later
to be the
most influential advisor of
King Edward VII, and King George V.
The details of this important
conversation will be examined later. At present we need only point out
that the
three drew up a plan of organization
for their secret society, and a list of original members. The plan for
organization provided for an
inner circle, to be known as "The Society of the Elect", and an outer circle,
to be
known as "The Association of
Helpers". Within The Society of the Elect, the real power was to be exercised
the leader, and a "Junta of
Three". The leader was to be Rhodes, and the Junta was to be Stead, Brett,
Alfred Milner. In accordance
with this decision, Milner was added to the society by Stead shortly after
themeeting we have described."
- Quigley, Carroll (1910-1977),
The Anglo-American Establishment, From Rhodes to Cliveden, 1981, Books
In Focus, NY, NY pg. 3
Of the Secret Societies goals,
and methods of operation Quigley writes, "The goals which Rhodes, and Milner
sought, and the methods by which
they hoped to achieve them were so similar by 1902 that the two are almost
indistinguishable. Both sought
to unite the world, and above all the English-speaking world, in a federal
structure around Britain. Both
felt that this goal could best be achieved by a secret band of men united
to one
another by devotion to the common
cause, and by personal loyalty to one another. Both felt that this band
should pursue its goal by secret
political, and economic influence behind the scenes, and by the control
journalistic, educational, and
propaganda agencies... - " Quigley, Carroll (1910-1977), The Anglo-American
Establishment, From Rhodes to
Cliveden, 1981, Books In Focus, NY, NY pg. 49
Between 1910-1915 the Secret
Society evolved into an international group of coconspirators called
Round Table Groups that were
established in seven nations: Britain, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand,
Australia, India, and the United
States. (The British Round Table was actually created in England in Feb.
1891. In the US it is called
the Council on foreign Relations, in England it is the Royal Institute
International Affairs, in Canada
the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, in Chile it is the Chilean
Council on Foreign Relations,
and so on.)
In 1920 the Secret Society evolved
into the Institutes for International Affairs, and the Council on Foreign
Relations. Many of the founding
fathers belonged to America's first intelligence agency the INQUIRY.
Note - The above quotes were
furnished by "Round Table", who has a web site at:
The CFR could not accomplish
their goals without complicity of the mainstream news media, which they
absolutely control with an iron
fist. They do this using psychological operations (PSYOPS). The RAND Corp.
is one of the chief users of
this technique. This is clearly explained by the following Internet message:
"Not many people have heard of
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) or know how they operate.
This is not an accident, the
group has purposely maintained a low profile. The CFR is a branch of an
international group of coconspirators
called the Round Table Group. This group has been controlling
public opinion throughout the
world for over 100 years.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have
defined psychological operations (PSYOPS) as those that: "include
psychological warfare, and,
in addition, encompass those political, military, economic, and ideological
actions planned, and conducted
to create in neutral or friendly foreign groups the emotions, attitudes,
or behavior to support achievement of national objectives." Another proposal
"develops the concept of
'strategic psychological operations'
as aimed at influencing, and shaping decision-makers' power to govern,
or control their followers."
The American people, are among the groups being targeted, and controlled.
"Tactics of Deception" are formalized
psychological warfare techniques. "Tactics of Deception" build a
psychological environment that
differs from the material environment. "Tactics of deception" are used
create false reality worlds.
In terms of perceptual psychology, "Tactics of Deception" provoke illusory
precepts. To influence behavior
the deception must follow three basic rules. First, the deception must
"reasonable"; second there must
be no simple way of checking the facts in the case; and third the use of
deception should not discredit
a source which may have valuable future potential.
One way to stop this group is
to expose them, and their techniques to the people they are manipulating.
"Tactic of Deception" used to
achieve Council on Foreign Relations aims, is to place Council members
both sides of an issue. Another
"Tactic of Deception" is to use CFR control of the legal, legislative,
and court
systems to create the perception
that laws are being followed when in fact, Lawyers, Legislators, and Justices
are committing blatant illegalities
to further CFR aims. A third "Tactic of Deception" is simply to lie."
Source: roundtable’s Web Page:
Another excellent example of
deception and cover up is the book, "The Kennedy Tapes". Two CFR members,
Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow, supposedly listened to all of President
John F. Kennedy audio tapes and wrote this book quoting all of the interesting
facts so as to assure the public that there were no other important statements
made on these tapes that the public would care to know about. There were
to motives involved here: (1) to print only what the Elite wanted printed
about the JFK assassination, and (2) to throw any other potential researchers
off the trail. This was a very grueling task of listening to hundreds of
hours of taped conversations. Therefore, other researchers should just
"take their word" that they had printed all of the interesting facts from
these tapes. I suspect that two non-CFR researchers would have written
an entirely different book.
Historian Michael Beschloss listened
to the White House tapes transcribed by Lyndon Johnson during his time
in office, and wrote a book,
"Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964". Is it not strange
that this author is also a member
of the Council on Foreign Relations?
As Peter Grose stated in his
Council on Foreign Relations Book, Continuing the Inquiry (1996) on page
"They (the British) proposed
a permanent Anglo-American Institute of International Affairs, with one
in London, the other in New
The headquarters for the CFR
is The Harold Pratt House located at 58 East 68th Street in New York City,
New York 10021. Oddly enough,
this building is located just across the street from the Russian (former
original report located at
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by tusk36: Altoona, Pennsylvania, U.S.A